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Generate Resale Link

This document covers two types of endpoints for generating unique resale links: one for entire events and another for specific shows within an event. Both endpoints allow obtaining direct links to the resale marketplace, facilitating users' navigation to available tickets.

This endpoint generates a unique link for a complete event, even if the event has multiple shows. The frontend logic will automatically handle differentiation between the available shows within the event.

HTTP Method: GET

--header 'Authorization: "YOUR_API_KEY"
JSON Response
"status": 200,
"data": "",
"errors": [

Remember to replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with your Private API key.

Request Parameters (Query Params)

  • externalReferenceEventId (required): The ID of the event for which you want to generate the resale URL. Example: the-lion-king-broadway.

This endpoint generates a unique link directly for a specific show within an event.

HTTP Method: GET

--header 'Authorization: "YOUR_API_KEY"
JSON Response
"status": 200,
"data": "",
"errors": [

Remember to replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with your Private API key.

Request Parameters (Query Params)

  • externalReferenceEventId (required): The ID of the event for which you want to generate the resale URL. Example: the-lion-king-broadway.
  • showId (optional): The specific show ID within the event, if applicable. Example: 1124.